Do What Makes You Happy – Ways to Become Rich

Article by Lawrence Cole

“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” – Herman Cane

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “If you do something you love, you’ll never work a day in your life”. Well, its not just a slogan! It’s true.

A while ago, we talked about the importance of doing something for a living that inspired so much passion in you that you often found yourself completely engrossed. Well, that inspiration typically comes from the sheer happiness and bliss that you get whenever you are doing what you love.

Growing up, very few of us are ever encouraged to pursue a career based on what WE love and are inspired by. In fact, 99% of the time we are encouraged to choose a profession based on what the grown ups around us approve of, which is usually fueled by their own regrets and pain around what they never accomplished.

Understand that as a 20, 30, 40, 50, or even 60 something adult that you now must see all of that negative programming as just that, and become hell bent on living your life by your design; and a big part of that is simply waking up every day and doing work that makes you happy.

The sad is part is that intuitively we all know this, but few people actually feel like they deserve it. This is no accident. Society teaches us to think “who do you think YOU are to feel that you deserve to love what you do? Just do something that pays the bills and follow the rules”.

A secret that many successful people know is that they are where they are by first identifying what made them happy and then pursuing it aggressively. Happiness is truly the key to success because it gives you a mental and emotional edge that will help you to work through adversity, outshine your competition, and experience true fulfillment.

Each person makes their own choice as to whether or not they will settle for this reality or create one of their own design. I hope that you will choose the latter and enjoy the fantastic fulfillment and quality of life that comes with it. Doing what makes you happy will ultimately make you incredibly successful as well because you will have the emotional “edge” of having true passion for your work.

About the Author

Lawrence Cole is the creator of The Multi-Million Dollar Mindset. The Multi-Million Dollar Mindset shows you how to discover ways to become rich, how to start a business, and how to join the wealth builders at using Rich Dad Poor Dad principles.

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How To Become A Business Coach

Article by John Baril

When most people visualize coaching, the first thing that pops into their mind is a sports coach. Coaches of this type tend to instruct their players about team and individual strategies.

Business coaching is another coaching style which is in very high demand. There is a great money making opportunity in this area. Many business people in order to become more successful will happily pay someone like yourself for coaching services. Keep this in mind then when you are deciding how to become a business coach.

Business coaches support their clients and point them in the right direction. Sometimes a person just needs a coach to keep them on track. Also, when an individual gets stuck on something, a coach, being impartial to the situation will often see things in a different way.

Quite often, online businesses are very small as far as personnel numbers are concerned. In fact, more often than not, an Internet business is simply an individual who is trying to make some extra money on the side.

For example, there are countless stay at home moms who need to make some extra money but do not want to leave home to do so. Keep in mind then when you are thinking about how to become a business coach that these individuals online need someone to point them in the right direction.

Many of the people who want to start their online business have no idea where to start. Other people may, for instance, have some products that they want to sell on the web but have no idea how to get the whole process started.

As you are learning how to become a business coach, realize that there is a large customer base of people who need your help. It will help to have a broad knowledge base when you get started in business coaching.

Now you don’t necessarily need to know everything from SEO to HTML and things like that. You will, however, require a broader knowledge base than the potential clients that you are going to work with.

Some of the items that you will need to have knowledge in include, starting an Internet business, choosing the right business, social networking, building an email opt-in list, article marketing, blogging and several others.

There are loads of people who will be happy to pay money to any coach who will help them with their success. You will need to pick one or several niches that you wish to target for your coaching services. Essentially, your target niche will be based on your past experience and knowledge as well as your financial needs.

Sit down and calculate what your hourly rate needs to be for you to survive as a business coach. You will likely need to start with a lower charge out rate and then increase the rate as you gain more experience and popularity. In summary, there is a lot here for you to consider as you plan on how to become a business coach.

About the Author

Learn more about starting your own work from home opportunity at and sign up for the free newsletter course. Also, check out John Baril’s online training blog at:

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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