Find Courage Yourself to Deal With Change and Choose Happiness

Article by Dr Barnsley Brown

How Do I Change My Life?

Are you happy? Please note that I’m not asking if you FEEL happy. I’m asking if you ARE happy. Happiness does not have to be a fleeting emotion that we feel when everything’s coming up roses. Instead, it is something you can have, right now, no matter what’s going on in your life.

Happiness is a founding value of our culture. Remember that oft-quoted phrase in the Declaration of Independence? Our founding fathers asserted we have the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” However, so often we let life carry us along without examining whether or not we are truly happy, healthy, and ENJOYING the way we are living! We can be so involved in survival that we forget about revival–about recreating our lives in a way that will fulfill us.

It takes courage to look at your life honestly and to (re)evaluate it, making necessary changes for your health and happiness. Four years ago, I nearly died of an anaphylactic reaction and spent a long week in the hospital followed by several months of recovery time; this experience was a huge turning point for me. I felt that I’d been given the opportunity to “hang out” a little longer on this earth to accomplish my mission. As a result, I drastically changed my diet, my attitude, my friends, my family dynamic, and even my marital status. That life-threatening experience forced me to look at what I needed to release and reshape in my life to be truly happy and fulfilled.

Yes, changing your life sometimes feels frightening, sometimes like an adventure. You can feel thrilled about exploring a new planet while also wondering if your oxygen supply will hold out. Yet we can muster up the courage to change. As Martin Luther King, Jr. affirmed,?Forces that threaten to negate life must be challenged by courage, which is the power of life to affirm itself in spite of life?s ambiguities. This requires the exercise of a creative will that enables us to hew out a stone of hope from a mountain of despair.?

I invite you to try these methods of exercising your creative will with courage:

* Affirm aloud,?I, (your name!), choose love instead of fear. The Universe supports me in living a happy, blessed life.?? Examine what causes you pain or discomfort in your life and admit how you may be addicted to that pain. What kind of benefit are you getting by your addiction to that pain? For example, if you’ve pushed yourself until you are sick, what do you get by being sick? Do you get to rest? Do you enjoy more attention from others? How could you get those benefits WITHOUT having to be in pain?

* Make healthier, life-affirming, self-affirming choices today. Could you meditate? Could you exercise and get those feel-good endorphins circulating through your body? Could you have lunch with a dear friend? Could you join a support group for whatever you are going through? Show the Universe and the “scaredy cat” part of yourself that you are choosing courage and love over fear and pain.

* Write a gratitude list and add to it daily, including even little things. A conscious, daily practice of gratitude drowns despair! My favorite time to do this is at night when I take a shower before bed. I simply count my blessings and imagine all the negativity, irritations, and annoyances of the day going down the drain, along with anything I’m holding against someone else. Make your gratitude and forgiveness time a part of your regular hygiene routine and you’ll find yourself not only happier, but also joyful. Just like brushing your teeth, washing and combing your hair, and moisturizing your body, this process is your spiritual hygiene/exfoliation process in which you shed that which you don’t need and nourish that which makes you radiant. (By the way, enjoy people wondering what you’re doing that makes you so radiant! It’s good for them!)

Courage isn’t something that is given to us overnight. It’s a quality we cultivate regularly in the face of problems, hardships, disappointments, and loss. Courage brings us happiness because it creates happiness within ourselves. Instead of running from our problems, we need to EMBRACE them (yes, you heard that right), move through them, and vanquish them. It IS possible and you CAN do it.

When you put a deposit of courage in our integrity bank account, you emerge a happier, healthier person with the strength of character and vision to make our life what you want and deserve it to be. Remember, you are the person in your life who deserves happiness the most. So go on… Enough talk. Now make it happen!

About the Author

Dr. Barnsley Brown is a professional speaker and coach who loves helping busy professionals create balance and prosperity. Want to have 2+ more hours every day for who and what you love? Find out how with Dr. Brown’s fun, info-packed report, “How to Overcome Overwhelm in Seven Easy Steps” at

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Happiness Audition. Got To Dance 2 audition, 2011. Sky1 and Sky1 HD.

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While personal development programs are often discussed, they are sadly misunderstood by most. Frequently they are considered to be a kind of course or retreat that focuses on the development of a personal trait of character to the exclusion of anything else. Conversely, others believe them to be great business tools that help anyone – from the entry level blue collar worker to the top executive of the company – to prepare themselves for climbing that next rung on the corporate ladder by teaching the latest business gimmicks and buzzwords. Neither is completely true while at the same time both contain valuable kernels of truth. Personal development coaching affects both a person’s private as well as business persona by focusing on a specific need the employee may have in a business area which is nonetheless rooted in the personal sphere.

The Challenge of Public Speaking

Most commonly associated with the realm of personal development is public speaking – the bane of most any business person’s existence. While on the college level this is sought to be conquered, the fact remains that during those years public speaking is accompanied with many nervous giggles and college levity that will be conspicuously absent in the business world. There is much about becoming an adequate and even good public speaker that cannot be taught in a class – there is the mindset, the projection of the voice that is borne from confidence, and of course the ability to reach an audience, any audience. Some aspects may be learned in the classroom, such as the organization of the speech, how to dress, how to stand, how to address a group of diverse individuals, and also the proper use of grammar and language. Personal development coaching picks up where the college level courses left off. In a personal development class that speaker to be will learn how to communicate with the audience rather than just talk at them. She or he understands the nuances of persuading addressees and some business people find that they actually begin to like this aspect of their jobs.

Dealing With Anxiety and Self Doubt

If public speaking is the bane, then anxiety is the feeling that fuels it. Anxiety is experienced in a wide array of different everyday life situations, such as meeting a date, going to a party and entering a room filled with people, boarding a bus where everyone is looking up, going on a job interview, applying for a loan, and of course pitching a new idea to the boss. Personal development coaching seeks to help individuals deal with their fears and worries and instead focus almost exclusively on the defeat of self-doubt borne from an ability to recall instantly one’s abilities, strengths, and likeable qualities while at the same time remembering that the person across the desk is just as human as oneself. While this may sound like common sense, it is a concept that is revealed, studied, and honed in on during a personal development class.

Becoming a Self Starter

Nothing impresses a boss more than an employee who shows initiative and is self motivated. As a matter of fact, a perusal of the want ads quite frequently brings up the term “self starter” which is a not so subtle hint that the employers are looking for something who will not wait around to be told what to do, when to dig deeper, how to go further, why to aim higher, but instead want someone who sees a problem and will work on the solution, finds a working process and seeks to improve on it, and notices a job that was left undone and will go ahead and finish it. This kind of attitude is what propels the entrepreneur and the go-getter on the fast track to promotion. Personal development coaching will help you transcend your wait and see attitude and instead enables you to attain a level of self motivation you might not have known was in you.

Sharpening Your Focusing Skills

If there is one thing the manager detests at a lengthy business meeting is watching an employee doodle and stares out the window. Equally, there are those who seem to be lost within minutes of a particularly boring speaker. On the other hand, much admired is the employee who can sit through even the lamest presentation and concisely grasp the fine points, focuses on the strengths, and hones in on the weaknesses. Personal development coaching offers many mnemonic devises as well as attitude primers that will help you to harness your wandering mind and sharpen your focusing skills. Increased concentration will make you a most valuable asset in your professional life and with personal development a goal easily attained!

About the Author

Jim Biscardi is owner of Dynamic Wealth Systems, LLC and writes on a variety of subjects. To learn more about this topic Jim recommends you visit:

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Why life coaching as a business is dead and why you need to change if you want to survive

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Life coaching, as a money making business, is dead. That’s according to Nick Bolton, founder of the Smart School of Coaching.

The day of the generic life coach has passed. The industry has matured; there’s a growing understanding of the role of a coach as a change maker not a be-all-things-to-all-people identikit.

“Coaches who want to work in the personal coaching world, as opposed to the executive or corporate arenas where traditional coaching still functions effectively, are becoming change makers. Being a just life coach is not enough.” says Nick.

However he isn’t sad at this turn of events. Instead Nick sees a number of exciting consequences in the work he does with the coaches he trains.

1) Successful coaches are clear about who they want to help and why. Coaches are finding that not only does specialising in a certain aspect of life or business improve their own business results but it also means they get better at creating change in that area of work. As an example, one of the coaches The Smart School trained focuses on helping head teachers to improve their school performance, manage their own stress and expectations, build a more effective team from the teaching staff and much more. As she has embarked on this journey, she realised that she can help her clients get much better results by understanding their world inside out than by being a jack-of-all-trades.

Not only that but her marketing methods could be exponentially more focused, attractive and relevant when aimed at a certain group of people rather than everyone.

Ask yourself this question: if you were a head teacher and you were approached by two coaches. One is a life and business coach who works with anyone and everyone and one is a coach who specialises in the issues of school and heads. Which would you choose?

It barely needs an answer, does it!

Nick often talks to the coaches he trains about finding a passion that will provide the lifeblood of their business motivation. And that passion comes from knowing that you’re doing the work you were meant to do and that you enjoy doing your way.

So finding the group of people you really care about working with is one consequence of the shift to thinking of yourself as a change maker not just life coach.

2) As a successful coach you need to become good at doing more than just coaching.

By focusing on the change your client wants, rather than the process that you expect to do with them, you’ll discover a whole world of variety. Instead of sticking dogmatically to coaching you soon realise it’s about blending a range of skills to get the best results for your clients.

“For example,” says Nick, “one of the most popular ways for coaches to reach out and offer a different kind of approach is through running workshops. Many of the coaches we train go on to run workshops as both part of the work they do to create change but also as a way of reaching out to potential one-to-one coaching clients. It’s incredibly effective and also highly enjoyable element to being a coach.”

Successful coaches thrive on their own personal growth and development of new skills. Part of the joy of being a coach is to be able to flex your brain power and emotional intelligence by constantly developing.

Running workshops is just one of many new skills coaches develop because of this shift in the role of the coach. Others might include public speaking, running a mastermind group, video coaching, group coaching and so much more.

3) Successful coaches need to position themselves as experts or thought leaders with a message or solution to share. This might be achieved by writing a book, creating a well-subscribed blog, speaking at events, even becoming an industry celebrity!

“One coach I know who only started her business just one and a half years ago was recently flown off to New York in a private jet, is appearing on TV and has been commissioned to write her own book.” says Nick.

“Another of the coaches we trained has become a leading light on gay women’s issues and as well as coaching is now an agony aunt for a leading gay women’s magazine.”

So where does it leave the art and skill of coaching itself?

Quite simply, it’s more important than ever to actually be a highly-skilled coach. Coaching is the lynchpin of a coach’s ability to create change. Great coaching produces great results and it’s this that coaches are measured by in the end.

Nick and his fellow coaches at the Smart School believe the great news is that the business that is there to be had is so much more than life coaching. It’s a business in which you become a powerful agent of change for the people you care about helping. Yes, it’s absolutely about using coaching as your core skill to provoke response, provide space for exploration and create momentum for results.

But it’s also about seeing beyond the skill of coaching itself as the only way to create change. It’s about reaching out with a message that resonates with your people, providing services and space for them to connect with you, offering forums to share ideas or discover answers within a group of likeminded people. It’s about taking to the stage and becoming a focus for the powerful shift you want to see in the world.

“As I look around the personal coaching world today I see room for massive optimism as coaches find their place in the vast array of human activities and lifestyles. There’s a seismic shift in how coaching is working outside of the corporate boardrooms. And it’s exciting, exhilarating, life-affirming. Coaches are no longer just life coaches they are a force for change in the lives of those they truly care about working with.” explains Nick.

About the Author

Chantal Cooke is an award winning journalist and broadcaster, and co-founder of PASSION for the PLANET the UK’s only ethical radio station. See

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