How to Keep Your Trees Happy

Article by Leonard Simmons

Parents with several children will tell you that no single thing keeps all children happy. Happiness is individual. Is it the same with trees? There is certainly a large family of trees ? thousands of species. For instance, a Virginia tree service will be concerned with the health of at least nine different kinds of native oaks alone. The good news for tree owners if that while every tree needs individual attention, there are some common areas of professional care that will keep any tree ?happy?.

Fertilization keeps trees strong. In order to ward off disease and insects a tree must be healthy. Proper, professional fertilization can also rescue a tree if it is not doing well. It will not reach full height and spread and will have a shorter life if it does not have the food it needs. In perfect circumstances it would be getting all it needs from the soil. But in a crowded urban environment, beneficial fungi may have been killed in the soil around a tree. Fertilization helps the tree fight back.

Pruning and trimming is very beneficial to the tree. A tree with all of the room in the world to spread and grow may be able to stay out of its own way. But a tree with others close by, as well as nearby buildings, must be encouraged to grow well and healthily. It surprises some people to know that pruning and trimming are often accomplished from the inside of the tree, to ensure that sunlight and air can penetrate to lower limbs. To promote classic, excellent shape, the tree may be ?crowned?; that is, trimmed at the top to encourage shapely growth.

We mentioned allowing natural air flow through a tree. Air is also essential in the soil surrounding a tree, and so what is called ?aerating? should accompany tree fertilization. We use our lawns, and love to be under and around our trees. This consistent traffic makes the soil hard and compacted, and this kills natural organisms. Normally these organisms would do their own aerating. A professional Virginia tree service will utilize specific tools designed to bring essential air into the soil. It involves a punching device, and expertise, to avoid damaging the sensitive root systems that are right there. Properly fertilized and aerated, trees and soil work together. Nature will do its stuff to keep a tree happy.

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It is not what you make, but how much you keep – “Wealth Building 101”

Article by Jamie D. Grant

Are you tired of working long hours, and sacrificing to have nothing to show for it? If you do not have a plan for your money, someone else will. Wealth building is not a fast process. In order to have and keep wealth you must understand the process of building wealth. Wealth is the value of assets, either physical or intellectual, that can be passed on through your generations. I was at the barbershop, Fair Deal’s, on E Berry in the late 80’s. One of the barbers said to a customer, “you have been working for 25 years, and you have nothing to show for it, but a broken up old body.” The customer laughed as he walked out the door. I knew him through the neighborhood, and knew over the last 25 years he had bought 10 homes and numerous vacant lots all over the city. No one knew he had accumulated wealth until after he died. The biggest tragedy was he never taught his four children the process of wealth building. The children sold it all upon his death. Sound familiar? This is why wealth is intellectual as well as physical. We all know or have heard of stories such as this. This is why I am creating THE BLUE PRINT to Wealth Building. Not just African American families, but other Americans as well, have a history of wealth building through business and land ownership, and intellectual capital. It is time for it to become a way of life again, through sharing ideas and sharing resources and taking action on our dreams. Living it every day out loud.BLUE PRINT of Wealth Building: Phase 1HAVE A PASSION THAT IS WORTH YOUR BEST EFFORTS Have no fear when it comes to realizing your dreams. Whatever you dream is, it can become reality faster than you think. Once you come to grips with the fact that it is your dream, and not anyone else’s (i.e.: your dream killers) it will come faster. 1) Decide to do it, 2) Plan how to get there, 3) Take Action on your plan, 4) Stay Focused. You may say I make it sound too easy. It is not! You have to believe in you, and give it your best efforts every day. LIVE IT through YOUR everyday life; not by watching others live your dreams. IDENTIFY WHAT HANDS ARE CATCHING YOUR MONEY BEFORE IT HITS YOUR POCKETS In order for you to build physical wealth you have to know who or what is taking it away. Some of the hands we can’t avoid such as cost of food, the mortgage, taxes, and health care costs. You have at least three hands reaching at your money. Identify the hands and prioritize them according to your dream.Hand 1- Wealth Building – The money that goes into investing in your dream. Investing in your saving accounts, retirement plan, real estate, higher education, or small business.Hand 2- Responsibilities – Anything that can go on your credit report if not paid. Children do not go on your credit, but they are a privilege and a responsibility. Mortgages, rent, car payments, cell phone bills, child support are responsibilities you must pay.Hand 3- Wants – Are the icing on the cake. The vacations, the cars, and clothes are great. Life is short, so live it and enjoy it. But do not make your wants your number priority. There is nothing like a well-dressed, but broke person.INVEST INTO WHAT YOU UNDERSTAND AND WHAT YOU CAN COMMITT TO Do your research on any investment you put your money in to. Investments are more than stocks and mutual funds. Going back to school is an investment. The background research you do will make you more confident of your choices. Believe me any person making an investment presentation will be ready for you and your questions. The best investments are the ones you understand. Consider these tips as rules of thumb before investing your money. Know how the investment makes moneyKnow how you make moneyKnow your exit strategy (cost, time restraints)Know how much it will cost you Know the history of performance, lawsuits, etc.Know your decision to commit to this for the full time frame required to see growthIn the following weeks I will continue adding to the BLUE PRINT of Wealth Building. This approach may or may not work for you. Explore your options and start the dialogue of wealth building. You may be amazed of what will happen once you make it a priority.Market Blurb

One of the most common questions I hear is: “what do you think about the market?” “Or what is a good investment now?” Here is your answer:

Like a perfectionist that is never satisfied, when presented with some of the best fundamental data in years, the market chooses to find faults and be picky. Not that there aren’t a number of things to be critical of, including the situation in Greece, lack of job growth, high budget deficits, and slowing loan growth in China. These are all reminders that risks to the economy and earnings still exist. Expect volatility, much like what has been experienced already this year. Volatility will continue as the economy and markets transition from a stimulus-driven recovery to an environment of self-sustaining growth.Also, there are two very different ways of considering risk: opportunity or danger. Some would argue the latter is far more likely than the former at these levels in the market and at this stage of the market recovery. With a little patience, the commitment to a well thought out investment plan and a willingness to follow Warren Buffet’s sage advice “be greedy when others are fearful, and fearful when others are greedy,” could result in turning the tone of this market pullback from danger to opportunity.

Please feel free to contact me with questions, comments or to schedule a meeting to discuss your retirement and investment concerns. I can be reached at 817.900.8455 or Visit our website:

Live Your Dream!


Jamie D. Grant Wealth Management Group, LLC

1250 E. Copeland Road Suite. 540

Arlington, Texas. 76011

Phone 817.900.8455

Fax 817.900.8456

This research material has been prepared by LPL Financial. The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. To determine which investment(s) may be appropriate for you, consult me prior to investing. All performance referenced is historical and is no guarantee of future results. All indices are unmanaged and cannot be invested into directly.

Member FINRA/SIPCCopyright 2008 – LPL Financial. All Rights ReservedSecurities offered through LPL Financial, Member FINRA/SIP

About the Author

Jamie enjoys hunting, traveling, snowboarding and spending time with family. Jamie serves on the Fort Worth Metropolitan Black Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, the city of Fort Worth Pension Committee and has served on the North Texas Commission. In 2002, the Fort Worth Star Telegram selected Jamie as one of the forty under 40 people to watch. He is a 2009 graduate of Leadership Fort Worth.

Traveling: Travel Tip to Keep You Safe

Article by C. Illich

Most people don?t think about their surroundings especially while they are traveling. After all you?re on a vacation; there is no need to worry about where you are. You could not be more wrong. Thousands of travelers wind up in foreign hospitals in foreign countries, some were attacked and robbed, and others were in unknown locations and wound up injured.

I have a story to tell you and it is true. My cousin loved Spain and traveled there as much as he could; he planned on opening a business there and was in the process of setting it up. His last trip to Spain was horrible, he was attacked, badly beaten and robbed of his possessions. He spent two months in the hospital, and it was touch and go for a while. The family was very disturbed by this of course but the one thing we contemplated was, how did this happen? He knew Spain, he knew the areas to avoid to keep himself safe, we at least thought he did anyway, we found out later something much more disturbing which I will explain.

Every time my cousin went to Spain, he acted like he was on vacation, everything was fun and games, he was not aware of his surroundings. I thought how could this be, and asked him why he didn?t know the areas better. This was his answer, ?I never thought this country had poverty, like we do in the US.? I found this to be a shocking answer. Almost ignorant, don?t get me wrong I love my cousin, but you have to admit that?s a stupid answer.

My cousin is pretty well off financially and he shows it here in the states. He wears his very expensive watch(Cannot use the name) and fine jewelry, he wears beautiful tailored suites, and why not he?s earned it, but I think he put a target on his back because he did that in Spain as well.

I traveled a lot and I always kept my valuables at home. I even have a travel wedding band that I wear. I do not wear my 4,000.00 wedding ring when I travel. I do not take or wear my fine jewelry. I only take costume jewelry with me. My husband wears a .00 watch and leaves his expensive ones at home.

This is the number one tip I have for you; do not attract attention to yourself as someone with money. People (thieves) don?t want to risk getting caught by robbing someone that doesn?t look like they have anything to steal. They will only risk it if they believe they can get valuables from you. When you?re traveling, don?t show your money, because that will make you their number one target.

Keep those valuables at home, safe and sound. Buy a set of wedding rings that you only wear when traveling, make them inexpensive cheap bands, no stones at all, and not even fake ones. Buy cheap watches for traveling and dress down while you?re out there. You can still look good without wearing those name brands. Know where you are going; find out what areas to avoid. Every country has violence and crime, ghettos as we know them are all over the world, know where they are and know where you are, what your surroundings are. Pay attention to what?s happening around you.

About the Author

Going on vacation and traveling to new destinations is a blast and should not be avoided. It relaxes our minds and bodies, and refreshes us, so be safe and smart when traveling, and it will be very rewarding. If you want luxury then vacation in luxury hotels and resorts. Find luxury hotels and resorts at also read more articles on travel.

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