Happiness Means Overall Experience of Pleasure and Meaning

Article by Cinderalla

What is Happiness?Happiness is the “overall experience of pleasure and meaning. A happy person enjoys positive emotions while perceiving her life as purposeful.” The balance here is key. Neither hedonism nor rat-racing delayed gratification can satisfy alone.Allow Yourself to Be HumanAn important caveat: don’t expect to be “happy” all the time. You will sometimes be sad. You will sometimes be anxious or nervous, you’ll get dumped, and you’ll feel overwhelmed. These are human emotions. Don’t fear or be embarrassed of them. Instead, embrace them; they are part of life. Your life. As someone has said: “there are some people who always feel happy, they’re called psychopaths.”The goal should be that over the aggregate of your life you have a large number of pleasurable moments and feel, on the whole, engaged in meaningful activities.Happiness is the Ultimate CurrencyThis is a dangerous thought for college students. Increasingly, however, I’ve been pushing it: Make happiness the ultimate goal in your life. Build everything around this; from your course schedule to your career path.Enough big picture ideas, let’s get to the specific advice… Tip #1: Set GoalsResearch shows that the pursuit of goals that are concordant with your values can produce significant increases in your sense of well-being. Interestingly, the data show that achieving goals (or failing to do so) doesn’t seem to matter so much. There is something about having a focus on something important that helps us get more out of each present moment.Tip #2: Seek FlowThe magic state for increasing well-being is to be neither bored nor overwhelmed. This means you should seek challenges that exactly meet or slightly surpass your current abilities. For college students, in particular, this translates to finding that perfect course load that pushes you intellectually without overwhelming you with more work than you can easily manage.Tip #3: Simplify Your LifePsychologist Time has shown that time affluence consistently predicts well-being whereas material influence does not. For the uninitiated: Time affluence is “the feeling that one has sufficient time to pursue activities that are personally meaningful, to reflect, and to engage in leisure.” In other words, under-schedule what you have to do so you have plenty of time to deal with what you want to do at the moment. For college students, this means resisting the urge to fill all of your time with coursework and activities. Instead, purposefully under-schedule, and then use the excess hours for the cool stuff that randomly pops up.Tip #4: Focus on HappinessRalph Waldo Emerson said: “To different minds, the same world is a hell, and a heaven.” The practical translation: put in an effort to both seek out happiness-boosting experiences and learn to express gratitude for what you find. There will always be crap lying around in your life. This will never go away. If you focus on it, your world will become Emerson’s hell. The real trick is to learn how to keep moving amidst this crap — acknowledging that its a part of life that spares no one — and continually seek out or construct experiences that make you happy. Don’t just have these experiences, but also reflect on them later and show real gratitude. Dr. Ben-Shahar points to compelling research that mindful reflection on what you enjoyed during your day can significantly boost self-reported well-being.Case Study: The Happy College StudentHere’s an interesting question: Assume you built your undergraduate life around the concept of happiness, what would it look like? Here’s one proposal:• Our hypothetical happy-focused student has a single major that he finds interesting. He is careful to keep his course load light; mixing easy with hard courses each semester so he is never overwhelmed with work. Further reduces the difficulty. This allows him to really dig into the material; spend extra time thinking about the bigger implications, arguing in class discussions and finding him often getting struck, at the most unexpected moments, with little shivers of inspiration. He doesn’t dread schoolwork, because he doesn’t have enough of it to make it painful.• He’s involved in some activity that he finds really important. For example, as a philosophy major, perhaps he believes in the movement to re-emphasize the importance of the liberal arts in college education. This might translate, practically, into him being an editor of the undergraduate philosophy journal and helping to organize the journal’s guest lecture series that brings interesting liberal thinkers onto campus.• However, this is his only real time-consuming extracurricular activity. Combine this with his manageable course load, and he has plenty of free time. He uses this for all sorts of purposes. Maybe he’s taken up Yoga, and has learned to take advantage of the daily shuttle from campus to a local ski slope. We can imagine that he’s constantly hanging out with friends and has been known to spend an afternoon reading random books at the bookstore cafe. He attends talks that seem interesting. Watches a lot of movies. And has become a beer snob, to the endless amusement of his natty-lite swilling roommates. At the same time, these extra hours also let him take advantage of more unexpected (and impressive) random opportunities: like writing an op-ed, pitching an article to a magazine, or volunteering to help setup a conference. He’s flexible, engaged, and low-stress. This leads him to interesting places.• This combination of being engaged in his schoolwork, doing something important, and finding lots of opportunities to inject some pleasure into his day leads to one happy undergrad.

About the Author

Dr. Robert Puff, Ph.D. is a meditation expert, international speaker, and avid blogger who’s wisdom can be found on http://www.Meditation-Enlightenment.com. Additionally, he has a weekly podcast that explores the world of Happiness, available at http://www.happinesspodcast.org

How To Distinguish Between Pleasure And Happiness

Article by Roseanna Leaton

<h2>Pleasure does not generally lead to happiness whereas happiness leads to the experience of greater pleasure. Happiness is felt in the moment whereas pleasure is felt for a moment. There is a huge difference between the two.</h2>

Many people think that they will find happiness when in fact they reach out in search of pleasure. They think that in finding pleasure they will also find happiness. But there is a distinction between the two and pleasure does not always (or even often) lead to the happiness. Happiness is experienced in the moment, whereas pleasure is only felt for a moment.

Pleasure can be easily felt through little things, like eating chocolate, when you taste its gooey sweet texture upon your tongue. Yet that pleasure is quickly dissipated, frequently followed by pangs of guilt. The pleasure was only felt for a fleeting moment and then it disappeared without trace. It did not lead to happiness.

Happiness will enable you to experience pleasure in greater depth and quantity. For example when you feel happy and eat chocolate you will enjoy the chocolate more than if you are feeling sad. When you feel happy and you are relaxed in the moment, pleasure is felt in everything that you see and do. Happiness opens your world to more pleasure more often. It prolongs and deepens your experiences of pleasure.

It is vitally important to be able to distinguish between happiness and pleasure. Many people fall into the same trap again and again; the trap of focusing upon pleasure in the misguided expectation or hope that through pleasure they will find happiness.

We have all fallen for this fallacy from time to time. We think that if we lose weight, have a new hair-cut, eat chocolate or ice-cream, have more money, achieve more success, and so on, we will then be happy. But in doing this we defer happiness. We are barking up the wrong tree.

Happiness comes from within as opposed to being derived from momentary symbols of pleasure. Happiness in felt in the moment. It is not based upon the tenet that “If I have XYZ I will then be happy”. Happiness doesn’t work like that. Happiness in felt whether you have ZXY or not. Happiness comes from you, not from what you have.

Once you appreciate that momentary pleasure does not lead to long-term happiness, you can stop wasting time, effort and money on these illusions. In fact, happiness is felt as soon as you start to look for it in the right place. Happiness is felt in the moment, in the present, and it comes from the way in which you choose to look at things.

Roseanna Leaton, specialist in happiness hypnosis mp3 downloads.

P.S. Discover how you can focus your mind with hypnosis. Grab a free hypnosis download from my website now.


About the Author

Grab a free hypnosis mp3 from http://www.RoseannaLeaton.com and check out her library of happiness hypnosis mp3s.

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