Article by C. Illich
Most people don?t think about their surroundings especially while they are traveling. After all you?re on a vacation; there is no need to worry about where you are. You could not be more wrong. Thousands of travelers wind up in foreign hospitals in foreign countries, some were attacked and robbed, and others were in unknown locations and wound up injured.
I have a story to tell you and it is true. My cousin loved Spain and traveled there as much as he could; he planned on opening a business there and was in the process of setting it up. His last trip to Spain was horrible, he was attacked, badly beaten and robbed of his possessions. He spent two months in the hospital, and it was touch and go for a while. The family was very disturbed by this of course but the one thing we contemplated was, how did this happen? He knew Spain, he knew the areas to avoid to keep himself safe, we at least thought he did anyway, we found out later something much more disturbing which I will explain.
Every time my cousin went to Spain, he acted like he was on vacation, everything was fun and games, he was not aware of his surroundings. I thought how could this be, and asked him why he didn?t know the areas better. This was his answer, ?I never thought this country had poverty, like we do in the US.? I found this to be a shocking answer. Almost ignorant, don?t get me wrong I love my cousin, but you have to admit that?s a stupid answer.
My cousin is pretty well off financially and he shows it here in the states. He wears his very expensive watch(Cannot use the name) and fine jewelry, he wears beautiful tailored suites, and why not he?s earned it, but I think he put a target on his back because he did that in Spain as well.
I traveled a lot and I always kept my valuables at home. I even have a travel wedding band that I wear. I do not wear my 4,000.00 wedding ring when I travel. I do not take or wear my fine jewelry. I only take costume jewelry with me. My husband wears a .00 watch and leaves his expensive ones at home.
This is the number one tip I have for you; do not attract attention to yourself as someone with money. People (thieves) don?t want to risk getting caught by robbing someone that doesn?t look like they have anything to steal. They will only risk it if they believe they can get valuables from you. When you?re traveling, don?t show your money, because that will make you their number one target.
Keep those valuables at home, safe and sound. Buy a set of wedding rings that you only wear when traveling, make them inexpensive cheap bands, no stones at all, and not even fake ones. Buy cheap watches for traveling and dress down while you?re out there. You can still look good without wearing those name brands. Know where you are going; find out what areas to avoid. Every country has violence and crime, ghettos as we know them are all over the world, know where they are and know where you are, what your surroundings are. Pay attention to what?s happening around you.
About the Author
Going on vacation and traveling to new destinations is a blast and should not be avoided. It relaxes our minds and bodies, and refreshes us, so be safe and smart when traveling, and it will be very rewarding. If you want luxury then vacation in luxury hotels and resorts. Find luxury hotels and resorts at also read more articles on travel.
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