“Personal Development” – Growing Your Business in Spite of Your Mind.

Article by Eyan Edwards

In the world of Personal Development you have 2 types of people. One type of person is the individual who lives and dies by the sword of personal development, which has the ability to cut through any problem at any time, and in any situation. The second person is the individual who is not quite sold on the fact that developing personally and acting in spite of their mind are actually the keys to changing their results, changing their life, and creating a new, secure future.

The problem I see in today’s society is that too many people are attached to the results or the fruits that they want to bare when they have no idea what it actually takes to create success. Society depicts the lives of celebrities, lifestyle, riches, and fame as this glamorous rendition that can be created through 1 song or 1 week of marketing. Let’s get real. Creating success is a result of your daily action.

However, it only starts by taking action, for taking action on the wrong knowledge equals miserable failure. But, before you can achieve the success that you want for yourself, 9 times out of 10 you are going to experience miserable failure.

There is a way to avoid this and that is personal development. Personal development will allow you to take control of your mind and dictate your results.

Why is this important/

Your mind will either keep you in the game or take you out of the game. Could you imagine Oprah becoming who she is today if she didn’t develop personally and thought she was going to fail?

Do you have any idea the pressure that comes with making some of the decisions she has to make?

You have to have had to develop a certain personality that allows you to accept that kind of social status.

Taking back to the world of business, sales and marketing, personal development takes equal effort to master.

You have to be able to keep going, after you have gotten rejected. That’s called the personal development of mastering your mind. When your mind wants to give up, you have to keep going. When you mind wants to slow down, you speed up. Let you mind know that you have developed a tolerance to it’s manipulating habits. Take control of your personality and develop new habits that will set you on a winning path every day.

Some things to do:1.Take at least 30 minutes to inquire on some kind of Personal Development training every day.2.Meditate or Sit in silence for at least 30 minutes each day. Preferably 30 minutes in the morning & 30 minutes in the evening. But 30 minutes is a good place to start.3.Talk to yourself. You will be surprised, just how many answers you can find on your own. I think most times people fail when they require to much information before they get started. With all the ads and opinions out there, really you just have to make a decision and go for it.4.Set an action plan.5.Take massive action on your own action plan.

As you develop personally and start to take control of your own mind, you will start to see that life will become a little easier for you. Everyday your tasks will get a little bit easier. You can become more creative because you have detached yourself from your mind, which allows you not to fear failure.

Not fearing failure will allow you to try things that other people will not. The key to personal development is just disconnect from your mind and go all out.

If you liked this article and would like to know more on this topic visit my Youtube channel @ http://www.youtube.com/eyane01

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About the Author

My mission is the help young entrepreneurs establish a full time income using the internet & to help newbie or seasoned network marketers increase their profits and visibility on the internet. Subscribe to my youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/eyane01

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