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Article by Ronald Fisher
Providing every woman with high grades of handbags, Coach is a sure force to reckon with. Their products can be lined among the most famous lines and brands in the world ? without even breaking a sweat. Surely, having your very own handbag from Coach can be very, very rewarding right? So for you to get them at very reasonable prices; drop by us here at Coach Outlet Stores!
Like all other brands out there, the prices of these Coach handbags can really be meddlesome at times; most especially when you can?t spend the extra penny on these most wanted luxuries. Most people who do have the power to purchase them include celebs, socialites, and other rich people.
And if you?re a true Coach fan, you?ll do anything it takes ? even sell a house or two ? just to have possession of these deluxe bags. Of course, you need not do extremities like that! Not when there are these Coach Factory stores or outlet store to help you out!
Here in these stores, splurging great amounts of cash (or credit) to be able to buy these Coach luxuries are impossible things to happen! This is because most great bargains and offers can solely be found here in this very place!
In the various Coach Outlet Stores, you can be given as much of a 65 % discount off of your dream coach handbag must haves! If you calculated that, it would mean nothing more than lots and lots of money that you can save ? while still being able to experience that classic Coach luxury feel you?ve always deemed to have!
Most items that you can find here in these Coach Factory stores are basically merchandises from Coach Retail stores in malls. Classic items, overstocked or overproduced buys, returns, and out of date ones are most of the things that you can avail of here. Though these things may seem outdated in a way, shopping here is still at a much better pace than risking money on ?cheaper? hoaxed items.
Surely if you?re the practical type of person, you?ll never think of this offer as something so bad; and if you?re an avid Coach fan, these places will be more than befitting to be your private sanctuary!
The deals that you can get here at these Coach Outlet Stores are something that you can rarely find in most malls. So if you?d rather have them at a stripped price (while of course maintaining that same glitz and glamour of Coach?s), these places will be the definite destinations for you!
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Coach outlet stores online sales discount.100 Percent Authentic Coach Guaranteed!Buy now! or visit us @
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Article by Grant Criddle
As I navigate online with the various projects I work on, I see a lot of “can’t miss” programs and offers designed to make me “wealthy.” The pure volume of these offers tells me very clearly that there’s a great many of us seeking what the thousands and thousands of different offers are advertising….”quit your day job and retire to the tropics, make 7 figures annually within 6 months,” etc etc.
So why do we do it all? What are we really chasing? What is the “endgame” to this pursuit? How do we win, and more importantly how do we know when we’ve won? I often get frustrated with sifting through various “make big money now! offers as I look for a few nuggets of genuine value via various online forums. You can condense 90% of that stuff into a single sentence: “do what I’m doing and you can make big money like I’m making.”
Not to say that there isn’t value in the offerings of some online entrepreneurs – there is. My personal faves over the past while have been Yanik Silver and Kevin Wilke. But if “more money” is the only goal, do you attain the goal if you find a dime on the sidewalk? I’m exaggerating, but you get the point.
Money in itself is simply a number on paper right? – Only a means to what we really want. You would be surprised how many people don’t “get” that idea. They equate their bank balance with self-worth, with happiness, with feeling secure & safe, with personal power. Almost their entire sense of confidence about themselves, their place in the world and the social hierarchy of their surroundings is tightly woven around money and what it can buy. They mistake buying power for genuine power. More often than not, they are perpetually unhappy and feeling a lack of “something” that they can never quite put their finger on.
Behind the pursuit of money and anything else that people chase, there’s really only one single thing that ALL people desire. Happiness. Yes, we all just want to feel happy.
Ironically, the relentless chase for more money for more stuff often takes us away from happiness. We always feel that we’re “not quite there” yet.
Is there another way? YES! Do I have to take a vow of poverty to find true happiness? NO!
Like most things, perspective is the key. There is no inherent value in money or lack of money. There is however, inherent value within you. Choose that first always. As Wayne Dyer says, “There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way.”
If you feel wealthy, you simply have no need to grasp after money to achieve some monetary goal that will provide state of happiness.
Ironically, once you begin to appreciate who you are now and what you have now – that is usually when more material wealth seems to flow into one’s life!
If you have dreams that are going to take a certain amount of income to achieve then get started! Just be happy as you do it – enjoy the journey! Stay on task but let the path unfold as it develops. Don’t attach your personal identity to outcomes.
As Bobby McFerrin sang so wisely, “Don’t worry, be happy!”
About the Author
Grant Criddle is a business coach, author and social media strategist. As well as his marketing and business interests, he is passionate about personal growth and development. Visit his blog at
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Article by Steve Hedger
Being single and loving it will attract others to you. So how do you create a happy you and bag a great relationship in the process?The key is to focus on what makes you happy when you do this you will have one result. You will be happy. Happiness is a choice! Lets try a quick experiment. Think of something that makes you sad and what do you get? Now focus on something that made you laugh out loud and now what do you get? Spend 30 seconds on each. Try it now before you read on……..
If you did this you will have created for two different sets of emotions purely based on thought. It’s impossible to have a happy thought at the same time as a sad one. So your goal is to focus on what makes you consistently happy and is not conditional on anything, such as finding Mr or Mrs Perfect.
Material possesions and people don’t make us happy long term, they are just short term fixes. If you have ever bought a car you will love it to start with, and before long you take it for granted and it’s no longer exciting. If you have bought a dress, a month later you find yourself saying I’ve got nothing to wear. The only person that can create long term happiness in us and and improve the relationship we have with ourselves… is us!
Money does not create happiness. Having the model figure does not make us happy. The proof is out there. There are plenty of miserable models in rehab or millionaires who are lonely so “stuff” is not the answer. What makes us happy is how we experience the world that we create.
If you are able to maintain a positive emotion in most situations, and look at bad experiences as learning opportunities, then you are almost there!
What do you really want?
Now is the time to stop looking for the perfect relationship and to focus and explore you. What is it that really makes you happy? What have you always wanted to do but were scared to try? What do you love about your life today and what could you do more of that creates those great feelings? The goal is to love and respect you. What could you do today, in the next week, over the next few months that would show you love and respect. How could you show yourself that you can now trust yourself to make sure you are happy every day.
This feeling of happiness creates a powerful feeling of independence and self-esteem. This is the feeling you need to be more attractive. What’s more important than how attractive you are, is how you feel about you.
The relationship hoppers are the people to avoid. They are the ones who need you to make them happy as they have not yet discovered how to look after their own needs.
About the Author
Article by Steve Hedger Relationship Coach and founder of Relationship and dating help, advice and tips. I cover body language, sex, affairs, love, soul mates, the art of being single. Plus the best relationship online sites and ebooks all at Come to DatingShoes today and ask Steve a question.
Article by Zachary Thompson
There are many advantages of being a health products distributor. Many health products distributors have the great satisfaction to know that their products make a positive difference in people’s lives. Consumers are concerned about health issues such as lowering cholesterol levels, purifying their bodies from toxins, improving nutrition and other health issues. Distributing health related products can be extremely rewarding as you see how happy people are with the changes that they are making in their lives for the betterment of their health.
Health products are traditionally just one step in the process of improving one’s health. Typically if someone orders a weight loss product, they are also focusing on exercising and nutrition to improve their health. If someone orders a health product to stop smoking, they are probably also focusing on nutrition, weight and exercise. The health products are part of the process of looking at your life and improving your health on many different levels. A small home business for health products means that you are contributing to the process of looking at choosing a healthier lifestyle.
Another advantage to being a health products distributor is the potential to make a great deal of supplemental income. The majority of health related products that you will distribute are consumable. This means that after the person finished taking all of the health supplements, they will need another bottle. More than likely, they will order replacement products from you and this will enable you to build a large repeat customer base for your new home business. There are many different consumable health related products that you can select from for your home business as a distributor. This further increases your chances of success because you are not restricted to a just a handful of products that you hope that someone will select when they visit your internet store.
Many people become successful as a distributor it is because they lucked out on a product that is seasonal or a new trend or fad. However, the problem arises when the season is over or the trend is no longer popular. The product is no longer needed by the general public and the distributor is left wondering why their new home business is suddenly going down hill and not succeeding. It is not until it is often too late to salvage the business that they realize their product was seasonal or a new trend. The advantage to health related products is that they are needed year round. They are not seasonal. It is never just a trend or a fad to be healthy. Because of this, you know that your investment of time, advertising and purchasing products will never be wasted. Consumers will always need health products.
There are many different methods to market health related products. This is a tremendous advantage to anyone that is a distributor for this niche of the market. The more methods that you can use to distribute your products the higher your success rate will be for your home business. Some products can only be marketed a few ways and this limits the potential customer base to purchase the products or services that are being offered. It makes it much harder to have a successful home business while you don’t have this worry as a health products distributor.
About the Author
Zach Thompson is a 23 year-old network marketer & marketing consultant. Why Distributor Wanted?
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Article by Kathy Jo Slusher-Haas
There are a lot of great coaching institutions out there. And when it comes to training outstanding coaches, they are spot on. They know their stuff. However, when it comes to building a business they miss the mark.
Coaching skills alone won’t make you a successful 6-figure coach.
I have worked with a lot of coaches who have the misleading impression they can and should become a 6-figure coach in just 6 months or so after starting their coaching business.
While there are those who have, they are extremely rare.
There are 3 important points you must realize and prepare for when starting a coaching business.
1. According to the Small Business Administration, is takes approximately 3 to 5 years for a business to become established.
Yikes, 3 – 5 years? Yup! Coaching is a business and it takes time to develop strong legs to grow on. Many coaches are starting from scratch. You have to develop everything from your own contracts to your program packages.
Be prepared to put in the necessary time & effort up front. Then create the systems to take some of the load off.
2. 95% of all businesses fail, according to the SBA.
Not because of a lack of dedication, commitment or passion. I’m sure you have an abundance of all 3. Often coaching businesses fail due to lack of consistency & follow through.
We all live in an “I want it now” society. If we don’t immediately see results we fall into the opportunity hopping trap where we jump from opportunity to opportunity looking for that quick answer because our fears are telling us we need more.
Don’t listen to those fears. Listen to your heart. But follow that up with a realistic mind, thorough research, and consistent efforts.
3. Although 1:1 coaching is the main venue for coaching taught in schools, it is also a huge reason why coaches fail.
Think about it, say you have 20 clients and spend 1 hours a week with them. You charge 0/ month you CAN make 0k / year. Not bad. But consider this, add to those 20 hours a week working directly with your clients the prep time, the follow up time, general business administrative tasks, finding new clients, developing new programs, and all the other work it takes to run a business. You will quickly be working 60+ hours a week, even if you farm out a lot of the admin stuff.
Not growing beyond 1:1 coaching is the #1 reason why coaches burn out. It’s almost impossible to keep up that pace, and you would be crazy to try.
You must have continuity products and programs that will develop those multiple streams so you can make money while not having to work solely with 1:1 clients.
Coaches are a wealth of information. Whether you realize it or not, you have a ton of valuable information to share. Creating different products alleviates the pressure for continually looking for that next client. This not only creates a continual stream of income, it also helps you extend your reach and help people who may not be able to afford 0/ month for coaching.
Coach training institutions are a wonderful resource for coaching skills. I highly recommend all coaches be professionally trained to truly understand the concept and spirit of coaching. One on one coaching is the heart of the coaching industry. But, in order to continue to deliver that highly effective and powerful source of coaching, you must make your business work.
By realizing it takes time, preparing yourself for the long-haul, remaining consistent in your focus, efforts and growing a continuity system for your business, perhaps you can be one of the 6-figure coaches you hear about.
About the Author
Kathy Jo Slusher-Haas is a certified marketing and business coach who specializes in helping other certified coaches build their coaching empire. Interested in more tips to help you grow your business and market like an expert? Visit for instant access to your own free Marketing Survival Guide.
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