6 Ways Coaching Parents Increase their childs safety

Article by Mr Don

6 Ways Coaching Parents Increase their childs safety

For the purposes of this article the skills we are focused on are those skills that encourage and promote personal safety among our young people.

Over all coaching is a fantastic way for any concerned adult to assist any young person in improving an identified set of skills. These skills can cover a wide range of topics, such as sports, self improvement, study skills, or personal interaction. It involves verbal discussions, physical demonstrations/activities combined in regularly scheduled and impromptu sessions

It is an effective approach for several reasons.

Coaching is focused

It is a personal interaction that is always very focused! When we take the time to coach a young person, for the duration of the session both individuals are focused on the accomplishment of identified skills. Distractions are minimized while the interactions are typically supportive and encouraging.

Coaching promotes higher self esteem

Individual coaching is an example of positive parenting at work. Coaching aims to mentor a young person one-on-one, building up their confidence by developing essential skills during regular practice. It increases their competency in the skills. As the young person becomes more competent, their self esteem increases as they continue to get better at the skills that are being practiced.

Coaching promotes competency

Coaching children in personal safety develops competency through focused, repeated exposure to the skill being addressed. By providing the information in a variety of different ways the youth begins to assimilate the skill into their daily routines. As with any skill, the more it is done, the better we get at it. The same is true with personal safety practices.

Coaching increases self confidence

Confidence is a product of habitual good practice. The regularity of practice and constructive feedback is important in establishing confidence. When we as adults utilize it correctly, young people develop the practice of assessing themselves for their strengths and areas for improvement that they themselves identify. They learn to identify the knowledge, skills, and attitudes they will need to improve their personal safety practices. In the process, they develop confidence in their abilities.

Coaching encourages a higher commitment to personal safety

A coaching parent balances the attainment of immediate targets with the long-term goal of youth safety. By constantly communicating the goal through formal and informal conversations, and regular practice sessions conducted in a supportive environment, the young person is motivated to remain engaged. Setting short-term goals aligned with the long term vision; and presenting the information in an organized, systematic manner can help increase motivation and commitment to integrate the skills into their daily activities. When we present the information in a meaningful and sequential order, young people begin to see personal safety as a part of everything they do!

Coaching produces future coaches

Coaching requires that you are physically, emotionally, and mentally prepared because it involves two levels: physical and mental. A coach must be aware that coaching entails investing time on each individual skill and on the whole fitness and safety concept with their child… Moreover, that the responsibilities are greater since while you are coaching your children, you are also developing future coaches. What we teach our children will be taught to theirs.

About the Author

Mr Don as he is known to his students, is a highly qualified martial artist and masters level mental health counselor. He continues to focus on promoting child and youth safety through physical and psychological fitness. Visit http://www.safekidz.us for further information.

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