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Article by Coach Alec
Happiness. It’s a word we hear about all the time. It’s something that we work for, that we work to achieve. Yet day by day we seem no closer to attaining it. Happiness eludes us.
Yes, we’ve had moments when we felt happy. Perhaps it was a wedding. Or a birth of a child. Or it was that other night, when we were hanging out with friends, or spending time with family. In those moments, we felt happy, truly, deeply happy. Transcendent almost.
And then it fades. Darkness ensues. The happiness is gone. In its place will often be a vacuum.
We ask, “What’s the point?” If we have the inalienable right to pursue happiness, then what is the point if we don’t feel like we can ever reach it, or achieve it? That which we want more than anything, to be happy, seems to be something that we can’t have.
Maybe if we had more money! That’s really all we need! Or maybe it’s that brand spankin’ new 3D-LED HD TV. A new car? Yes, that’s it!
No, no it’s not money or things we want, but we want a relationship. A man or woman who will complete us – that will make us happy! If we’re in a relationship – if only we weren’t in the relationship!
But then we get those things and after a brief honeymoon we’re back where we started.
Empty. Sad. So we try to think of other things. And the cycle continues.
It seems we can’t be happy. So what do we do?
We employ distraction. We watch TV (obsessively) to distract ourselves from our lives so we don’t have to think about how miserable we are or how miserable the world is. We drink. We smoke. We eat. We check our phones every thirty seconds.
We take subconscious shortcuts to happiness. Yet we never seem to be any happier, if anything, the shortcuts seem to be part of the problem. Then we become addicted to the distractions and we are even more unhappy. Turn on the 11:00 news – you know what I mean. The world sucks, so how can we be happy anyway?
After spending the last paragraphs utterly depressed it’s time to step away from the ledge. Because we can be happy. But in order to be happy we have to unlearn everything we’ve ever thought about or even lived about happiness.
First – what happiness ISN’T.
Happiness is not an endpoint.
If our goal is to achieve happiness then we will never be happy.
Yes, read that again.
Happiness is not the goal. The pursuit of happiness is an illusion. If we pursue happiness we will never reach it.
Until now we’ve thought about happiness as the destination. It’s not.
“Wait, what are you talking about?”
We have been told from everyone – parents, teachers, politicians, tv personalities, that the goal of our lives is to achieve happiness. It’s in the Declaration of Independence! Can Thomas Jefferson be wrong?
Yes, it’s everywhere. We are told time and time again that we must pursue happiness. We are told the goal of our lives is to be happy.
Yet how many of us are happy? Not many. Because we cannot pursue happiness. Let me rephrase, we can pursue happiness if we wish, but we’ll never get there. Our efforts will be futile. We know this because we have lived this. We are living this.
It’s time for us to develop a new concept of happiness. It’s time for us to redefine happiness because our current definition is just not working. No – it’s worse than that. Our current definition, of happiness as our goal/destination is simply wrong.
So what is happiness?
Happiness is a result.
Happiness is what results when we are on the path we instinctually know that we should be on. Happiness is what results when we are growing, when we are expanding, when we are developing.
Happiness is not something we can do, or achieve. It’s a result. It’s a byproduct. When we are growing, when we are expanding, the result will be happiness.
We will never achieve happiness if our goal is happiness.
Our goal must be one of expansion, growth, development. While we are working toward that goal, we will be happy.
Happiness is not about smiling. It isn’t about the expression of joy on the face. We might be toiling harder than we have ever toiled before. The expressions on our faces might be one of pain, contempt. But inside we will be singing because we are working on ourselves and developing and growing. The result is happiness.
Therefore, the key, the key for you to be thinking about right now is – are you on the right path? Are you learning? Are you growing? Are you developing? Because when you can honestly answer “Yes” to those questions, then you will be on your journey, and the result will be happiness.
About the Author
Do you know how many people in their 30s and 40s feel stuck in their current jobs, or have no idea in which direction they should turn? I help them figure it all out. After being an accomplished attorney, I have found my path as a coach and motivational speaker who helps his clients find their true passions. Contact Alec at
Music video by Alexis Jordan performing Happiness. (C) 2010 Star Roc LLC
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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Article by Lawrence Cole
“Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.”- Henry David Thoreau
When you don’t have a whole lot of money, it can be easy to forget that true wealth goes oh, so far beyond just mere money because you’re so hot and heavy in pursuit of it.
That’s actually great news, because it means that you don’t have to wait until you’re flush with cash and have multiple cash cows to begin experiencing wealth. You can enjoy at least some of it NOW.
You already know that visualization can be a powerful tool in motivating yourself to accomplish your goals. What I have found is that giving yourself fulfilling experiences NOW can help you with creating some pretty visualization that will help you get there.
For starters, take some time out to enjoy some form of luxury on a regular basis. I don’t care if you have to save up money for months in order to do it. It is important that you 1) carpe’ diem – sieze the day and live as though you don’t know how much time you have left, because you don;t! 2) place yourself into scenes and experiences that mimic what the experience of your life will be like after all your hard work has made your dream into a reality.
Another component of this is watching after your health. All the money in the world won’t do you a bit of good without great health. It is your health that will largely determine what your quality of life will be at any income level.
Take care of your health. Take time to kick back and relax. Spend some time with those you love. Take a portion of what you’ve earned and give it away to someone less fortunate than yourself. That is experiencing wealth.
Redefining your definition of what true wealth is will not only help you to enjoy it better when you reach your goals, but it will also enable you to enjoy some of its simple joys long before you even get to that point.
About the Author
Lawrence Cole is the creator of The Multi-Million Dollar Mindset. The Multi-Million Dollar Mindset shows you how to discover ways to become rich, how to start a business, and how to join the wealth builders at using Rich Dad Poor Dad principles.
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