Reiki Calgary — Why Is Happiness Not The Ultimate Goal? Why Is Our Cup Always Half Empty?

Article by Michael Hills

Reiki in Calgary taught me to trust in the heart. Reiki ultimately showed me that the heart is the source of all creativity, intuition, unconditional love, psychic awareness, of all that is and will ever be in reality. The heart I found through Reiki Calgary is not made of cells, vessels, veins, and muscle. It does not pump blood, and circulate oxygen either. That heart is the center that connects us to the great mystery of life. When I learned Reiki I became aware of my essential nature as pure consciousness; you can learn this too in Reiki Calgary at Thus, that which you feel through the heart is the source of creation talking through you. It is the way to get something even better than happiness. Happiness is just the opposite to sadness, after all it is fleeting, and conditional. The heart that Reiki Calgary revealed to me is the one that leads to the ultimate goal: inner peace.Inner peace is where sadness, happiness, joy, fear, where all desire evaporates and becomes unimportant, if not unnecessary. Inner peace is the ultimate goal, and the only way to eliminate all of your problems. Reiki Calgary can help you toward this goal. To gain, or maintain happiness is a problem, everything that has a gaol attached to it is a problem. The way to kill problems is to find the heart of inner peace where you will understand that you have reached a means in itself. Everything else is a means to an end, yet that end most people mistakenly consider to be happiness. I have learned that happiness is not a means in itself, it is not the ultimate goal, as it too is fleeting and must be maintained. The greatest goal of the heart is to reach perfect, pure, humble, and divine inner peace. It does not get any better than that. Anyone can achieve inner peace too. Give it a try. Reiki will help you. It is a beautiful and perfect feeling.

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Personal Development Goal Setting

Article by Ben Tien

Keeping a positive attitude and believing that you can achieve your goals is an important part of actually following through and reaching a goal. Personal development goal setting can help you obtain everything that you always dreamed of, and more, with the simple application of a few simple mindsets and tools.

Personal development is sometimes referred to as self-development or personal growth, and it traditionally covers a broad set of areas to improve. It is not however something that you gain from formal education, though the process of gathering knowledge is fundamental to growth. Essentially, it is about making conscious decisions about everything that you do, the way that you think, and the way that you react to situations.

If you want to develop in life, you need to have personal development goal setting. The purpose of these goals is to remind us continuously that we have decided to achieve personal development. Setting personal development goals is not at all a difficult thing but achieving them is an arduous task. You should remember that only if your goals are clear, you will be able to achieve them.

If you keep focusing on how you can achieve these goals, you will get several ideas. Even if you get crazy ideas, you should not leave them. You should start implementing all the practicable ideas on the list and that one single idea will certainly bring you the desired results. You should also keep rewarding yourself suitably whenever you reach the goals. This will motivate you to work with more enthusiasm to achieve your personal development goal setting.

Separate the goals depending on their importance. Some goals just naturally have to be completed first, such as those that have deadlines while others can be completed in the future. By prioritizing your goals, you are more likely to complete many of them and avoid getting overwhelmed.

As you write down your goals, don’t forget that they need to be balanced for all aspects of your life. Writing down that you want to be a millionaire is all well and good, but personal development goals, such as reading motivating and inspirational books, are equally important.

Through the use of personal development and self improvement you can begin today to remove mental conditioning that you received from well-meaning family, peers and teachers. In addition you will also be directed to remove all those negative mental attitudes that have been given to you by not so well-meaning people and those you have developed yourself through negative life experiences.

Removing numerous negative mental attitudes and emotional stress from your mind and body is a feeling and experience that is truly hard to describe to someone who has never experienced it themselves. Personal development is the art and science of growing as a person and making things happen!

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Learn more about personal development goal setting at, you can get more, including positive thinking exercises

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