Barvetii Wealth Consultants: Richard Branson on What They Don’t Teach in Business School

Article by Barvetii Wealth Consultants Spain

Barvetii International Wealth Consultants is always looking to invest in entrepreneurs that have the correct attitude and skills needed when starting out in a new venture.The famous British billionaire reflects on company values and building a successful brand.A lot of people ask me about the Virgin brand — what’s our secret? What’s the enduring magic formula? The truth is, we started with a really simple idea that has developed over time. When I opened my record store, I thought it might be a success if I made it a cool place to hang out and kept prices low. I hoped that the combination would make the store popular and that the resulting sales volume would make up for lower prices. These basic notions formed the beginning of what people now call brand values. At Virgin, ours include providing good value for money and a great customer experience.I firmly believed back then, and still do now, that you can apply those values to any business situation. That’s why I wasn’t afraid to launch an airline — I thought the principles we’d relied on in the music industry would make the airline successful.Today Virgin has become one of the most diverse brands in the world as we have continued breaking into new markets and shaking them up for the customer’s benefit. And our brand values are the glue that holds it all together.That doesn’t mean our business is a complete free-for-all, as my team often reminds me. Though we receive proposals for almost every imaginable product and service – drinks, plastic surgery, clothing, restaurants, care for the elderly, even funeral services – we have a central team that evaluates each idea to see if it fits with our values and what consumers expect of Virgin. Sometimes the debate is fierce!Sometimes we take a risk and it doesn’t work. For example, we started a consumer electronics business in the U.S. in 2002, but we found it difficult to differentiate our products from those already available. We also learned that we are better at delivering the Virgin magic by creating an overall customer experience rather than simply selling a product.And then sometimes our risk-taking pays off in dividends, such as our turn-around of Britain’s ntl:Telewest cable business, which became the successful, customer-focused business now known as Virgin Media. This major effort involved moving some of our best people into that business and changing the focus from quarterly sales targets to longer term goals that involved keeping customers happy and loyal. (Keeping both customers and employees happy is good for the business, and not a cost that can be cut!)We are often told that the Virgin brand is one of the most powerful brands in the world; my current goal is to make it one of the most trusted.Barvetii Wealth Consultants: Richard Branson – How am I tackling this rather large task? I’ve gathered our top people, both in the Virgin businesses and from our central brand team, which is headed by Catherine Salway, group brand director. She has put together a structure to ensure that every company in the Virgin Group is aware of our values and also our customers’ expectations. We provide brand training for all our businesses and supply the tools they need. We set targets at all our call centers for customer satisfaction and measure them on a quarterly basis. We bring together all our marketing departments to share ideas. And every new business gets all this help right from the start.Catherine recently wrote a strategy paper called “Virgin Rising,” laying out how we will make Virgin even stronger in the future. She argued that, regardless of how respected Virgin has become – we now operate in 29 countries, employ 50,000 people and serve millions of customers every month – we cannot be complacent. She highlighted core areas that all Virgin companies must treat as priorities in order for the brand to flourish. These include everything from Virgin brand basics to connecting with customers online. She also emphasized collaboration among Virgin companies, entrepreneurialism, ethics – and also music, fun and rock ‘n’ roll! In essence, she showed us how to reach our new goal.Barvetii Wealth Consultants: Richard Branson – I often mention people like Catherine – not sales statistics or the bottom line. I truly believe that the people working at Virgin are the heart and soul of our brand. The simple concept of offering customers a better experience, and having fun while you do it, attracts very bright and enthusiastic people. So while we have fantastically creative marketers who develop brilliant ad concepts, we also have wonderful people who deal with our customers every day. This emphasis on people is what really makes Virgin special.In business schools, brand values are often discussed in terms of marketing, as though they are an end result of a scientific process, rather than embedded in a business’s beginnings. Thankfully, I’ve learned that in the real world of business, it’s better to rely on creativity, intuition and empathy. You can try to build a brand using a hands-off, theoretical approach, but you’ll do far better – and have more fun – if you stick to Virgin’s dynamic values.

About the Author

Barvetii International Wealth Consultants Spain was formed when three investment brokers joined forces to create one of the world’s leading boutique brokerages. The company was born out of frustration since many of the larger brokerages were cumbersome and bureaucratic, the partners formed Barvetii International Wealth Consultants Spain with the idea that there could be a small, maneuverable dynamic company ready to take on the industry giants.

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The 3 Things Your Coaching School Didn’t Tell You About Being a 6-Figure Coach

Article by Kathy Jo Slusher-Haas

There are a lot of great coaching institutions out there. And when it comes to training outstanding coaches, they are spot on. They know their stuff. However, when it comes to building a business they miss the mark.

Coaching skills alone won’t make you a successful 6-figure coach.

I have worked with a lot of coaches who have the misleading impression they can and should become a 6-figure coach in just 6 months or so after starting their coaching business.

While there are those who have, they are extremely rare.

There are 3 important points you must realize and prepare for when starting a coaching business.

1. According to the Small Business Administration, is takes approximately 3 to 5 years for a business to become established.

Yikes, 3 – 5 years? Yup! Coaching is a business and it takes time to develop strong legs to grow on. Many coaches are starting from scratch. You have to develop everything from your own contracts to your program packages.

Be prepared to put in the necessary time & effort up front. Then create the systems to take some of the load off.

2. 95% of all businesses fail, according to the SBA.

Not because of a lack of dedication, commitment or passion. I’m sure you have an abundance of all 3. Often coaching businesses fail due to lack of consistency & follow through.

We all live in an “I want it now” society. If we don’t immediately see results we fall into the opportunity hopping trap where we jump from opportunity to opportunity looking for that quick answer because our fears are telling us we need more.

Don’t listen to those fears. Listen to your heart. But follow that up with a realistic mind, thorough research, and consistent efforts.

3. Although 1:1 coaching is the main venue for coaching taught in schools, it is also a huge reason why coaches fail.

Think about it, say you have 20 clients and spend 1 hours a week with them. You charge 0/ month you CAN make 0k / year. Not bad. But consider this, add to those 20 hours a week working directly with your clients the prep time, the follow up time, general business administrative tasks, finding new clients, developing new programs, and all the other work it takes to run a business. You will quickly be working 60+ hours a week, even if you farm out a lot of the admin stuff.

Not growing beyond 1:1 coaching is the #1 reason why coaches burn out. It’s almost impossible to keep up that pace, and you would be crazy to try.

You must have continuity products and programs that will develop those multiple streams so you can make money while not having to work solely with 1:1 clients.

Coaches are a wealth of information. Whether you realize it or not, you have a ton of valuable information to share. Creating different products alleviates the pressure for continually looking for that next client. This not only creates a continual stream of income, it also helps you extend your reach and help people who may not be able to afford 0/ month for coaching.

Coach training institutions are a wonderful resource for coaching skills. I highly recommend all coaches be professionally trained to truly understand the concept and spirit of coaching. One on one coaching is the heart of the coaching industry. But, in order to continue to deliver that highly effective and powerful source of coaching, you must make your business work.

By realizing it takes time, preparing yourself for the long-haul, remaining consistent in your focus, efforts and growing a continuity system for your business, perhaps you can be one of the 6-figure coaches you hear about.

About the Author

Kathy Jo Slusher-Haas is a certified marketing and business coach who specializes in helping other certified coaches build their coaching empire. Interested in more tips to help you grow your business and market like an expert? Visit for instant access to your own free Marketing Survival Guide.

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