Something About Happiness – Part 2

Article by CD Mohatta

This is continued from part one of this article series. Please read that before you read this article. What makes a person happy is a little different for each person, and you need to find what makes you happy. Keep a notebook and for a while write down every time you smile or feel good. Even if you are depressed, you will find that you laugh at television shows, that you feel good after taking a walk, that your friends sometimes make you laugh or maybe you enjoy learning things. You might also enjoy a good cup of coffee or company with a pet.

These little things are the foundation of happiness. Happiness is relishing the good parts of your life and not dwelling on the sad parts so long. It is about learning to like yourself rather than being so hard on yourself. It takes practice to be happy. If you have wonderful things happen to you and you are not in the practice of noticing the enjoyments you already have, then not even big successes will help. Sure, you’ll be happy if you win the lottery for a little while, but then you will go back to taking what is in your life for granted, because that is your habit.

It is your habits you must change to be happy. Your circumstances will eventually follow to reflect your habits in larger ways, but there are things to be happy about in each day, you just need to find them.

What gives happiness and what takes it away?

I read about many people. I talk to many people. I meet many people. I also look at myself and the way my own life goes on. When I begin thinking of happiness I get lost for answers. I find that everybody is seeking to get happiness in his or her own way. I also find that some people just do not think about happiness. They are busy with their work and struggles. They have no time, rather desire to think about happiness. Many of such people will repent the way they lived their life at the end period of their life. Many people would not think about what went by even then. Are you in search of happiness? Is happiness important to you? Do not give a straight answer that yes, happiness is important to you. Before saying yes, think – how many times at night you reflect about what made you happy and what did not? Most of us do not analyze.

We all think that happiness is important to us, but only few of us give time and thoughts to be happy. I feel that happiness is getting ignored for many reasons. The daily living leaves no time for thinking about happiness. Thinking needs time. We all are becoming less of thinkers and more of chore performers. When you begin reaching the end of your life, what do you want to fell about how it went by? If you want that when you look back at the age of 70 or 80 and say that you knew your priorities and lived a happy life then you better work on that now. That brings us to the question- what gives happiness and what takes it away. So now that you have read this article, do take time and think over it to make your life happier.

About the Author

The author writes text messages and consults for social networking content like photo effects and myspace quotes. He also writes quizzes on subjects like fun personality, etc.

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