Happy Employees Means Greater Productivity

Article by Art Gib

While one key to increasing productivity at work is certainly to be more organized–make to do lists, prioritize your tasks, stick to a system, etc.–you’ll find efficiency will naturally improve when you’re happy. So, as an employer, you want to find a way to improve your employees’ situation at work. Ask them what kinds of tasks they prefer to be assigned (and what kinds they don’t), help them find ways to incorporate things into their day that make them smile, and think of ways to boost overall morale. Why go to this extra effort? If you want a productive team, you need them to be happy.

Happy people have the right perspective and aren’t stressed out. When people are happy, problems seem less intimidating. They find ways to resolve or work around them without complaining. Unhappy people, on the other hand, feel like everything is a crisis. They make short-term, survival-based decisions instead of looking at the bigger picture. Happy people do the opposite. They find solutions, prioritize their work to accomplish goals, and make thoughtful, informed decisions. In addition, happy people are not as worried about making mistakes, and so they don’t generally make them. If you’re not stressed, you’re willing to admit you messed up and then correct the problem. Consequently, mistakes happen less frequently. Another perk: less job strain translates into fewer sick days. People who are happy and relaxed are not as likely to get burned out and sick.

Happy people are motivated, optimistic, and energetic. As a result, they get along with co-workers and clients much better than unhappy ones. This equals better interpersonal communication, more satisfied customers, increased sales, and so on. Without motivation or optimism, productivity is low. If people are confident in their abilities and eager to tackle projects–because they enjoy them–they’ll be efficient, productive, and successful. It’s as simple as that.

Happy people are adaptable. They’re open to new things and more willing to learn, which increases their productivity when additional training is introduced or changes are implemented. Studies link happiness with creativity, and creative people are especially important in jobs that center on designing, advertising, or problem-solving. In short, happy people respond well to change–whether it’s in the work environment as a whole or in a specific project.

All of these on their own are obvious reasons for you to want your employees to be happy with their jobs. Fortunately for you, happy people are productive people, and productive people are happy people. So if you can get the cycle started, you’ll have both a happy and productive group of workers.

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(http://www.bestfootforwardconsulting.com/) We offer common sense solutions for this complex challenge of creating an interpersonal communication workplace.

What Makes a Man Happy

Article by Joseph Dabon

Every Thing You Wanted To Know About How To Be A Happy Person

Article by Herb Ammons

There is something magical about them. When you interact with them their enthusiasm and excitement is contagious. Happy people have a way of positively impacting those around them.

Their happiness can be infectious, but sadly many people do not think that they have the power to make themselves happy. The truth is that you have the power to make yourself a happy person if you choose.

One of the things that you can do is to dedicate yourself to spreading happiness. Happy people are contagious and rather than being the one to be infected why not be the one who is doing the infecting. In this world you get what you give, so if you are dedicated to sending out great energy and good deeds you will be surprised at how much you will get back into return.

This doesn’t mean that you have to go around passing out hundred dollar bills. Instead, you can focus on simply treating people the way that you would like to be treated. Try to make them smile or to make their day just a bit easier. If you do that you will not only send them off feeling better, but you will also find your sense of happiness swelling.

Another way to be a happy person is to notice the beauty that surrounds you. All too often people overlook the beauty in the world. One way to make yourself more happy is to take note of everything that surrounds you and the beauty that exists. It can be as simple as looking up at the sky on a beautiful sunny day and marveling at the vibrant blue sky, sparkling sun, and fluffy white clouds.

Maybe it would be taking notice of how beautiful a child’s laughter sounds. Taking account of these small and simple things and appreciating how lucky you are to experience them can make your feel more happy and grateful for the life that you have.

One of the best things that you can do to make yourself a more happy person is to integrate music into your life. Music is magical in the way that it can affect your mood. Certain songs can make you feel happier almost instantly. Another way to ensure that you are a happy person is to update the soundtrack of your life. Choose pieces with upbeat rhythms, strong melody’s, and most importantly songs and artists that put a smile on your face.

To be happy person is to let those around you know how much you love and appreciate them. This will help to strengthen your bonds with them and make them feel more appreciated. That in turn will make you feel more happy and secure in those relationships. This does not take a lot of effort to do, and the payout can be great, making you and those around you much more happy people!

About the Author

Herb Ammons is a Motivational Speaker and Author. http://www.herbammons.com Ammons is the co-author of a new inspirational book called Hope for Tomorrow: A Book of Motivational Quotes. Grab FREE, Exclusive Report, “Resolve To Help Yourself,” visit: http://www.herbammons.com/help-yourself.html

Music video of Super Junior’s remake of HOT’s ??/Haengbok/Happiness [sorry it’s so LQ – add ‘&fmt=18’ for better quality] Kyuhyun is not in this because he was still recovering from the accident April 19 2007; not because he wasn’t a member yet. He joined Super Junior on May 23 2006. He was released on the day this MV was released, I think. Credits: 10kg @ sjfullhouse.net + ddorae.lil.to + suju.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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The Pursuit of Happyness – How Can we be Happy?

Article by Josh Lipovetsky

In Pursuit of Happyness, Will Smith plays Chris Gardner, a motivated man living on the last of his means. Chris is constantly looking for a consistent quality of life, but seems to get beaten down at every road. A few times throughout the movie, Gardner expresses his thoughts on happiness, and whether or not it is actually attainable. Happiness can be looked at in many ways, but I will outline two of them: Short-Term and Long-Term happiness.

Short-Term happiness is achievable by anyone. Regardless of your age, gender, social status, economic status, etc. It can be experienced everyday. The exciting feeling of getting that paycheck, the excitement of watching your favorite movie, the internal joy of expressing gratitude, or it can be the motivational nudge received when you complete an activity/goal. We may not notice, but feelings of happiness occur often throughout our lives, we just need to know how to look for it. It can strike us when we need it most: In the Pursuit of Happyness, Chris gains short-term happiness when he sells each bone density scanner for 0. It is the happiness that he will be able to sustain his family for another month. And it also provides him with enough happiness to accomplish his long term goal of becoming a stock broker.

Long-Term happiness is much more difficult to notice in our everyday lives. 60% of our LT (long-term) happiness is predetermined at birth (genes, heredity), and the other 40% is determined by what we do in our lives. Some people are genetically inclined to be more happy than others. But regardless, we all have our long-term goals, set with the intention of making us happier. We tell ourselves, “I am going to finally be happy when I achieve this goal”. But when the goal is achieved, the happiness soon goes away, and we are looking for more things to make us happy. Long-Term happiness is very difficult to notice; and is a gift of living. Try to monitor your happiness levels for a day, and try to notice how happy you are.

We are all different in virtually unlimited ways, but we are all looking for happiness. Happiness can be experienced in life everyday, in both the short and long term. Look for both, and be twice as happy. The Pursuit of Happyness inspired me to write about the different types of happiness in our lives. Whether short-term or long-term, we all have something to be happy about.

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I Want To Be Happy. 5 Tips To Enhance Your Happiness.

Article by Cheryl Smith

If you are not a happy person that is a choice you are making. You have full control over your life and the decisions that you make. There are many factors which people measure happiness. Some people think money is happiness however they may absolutely miserable with what they do on a daily basis to make their money.

You might look at people who have absolutely everything and you strive to be like them. These things may be wealth, possessions, status, or even the position you hold at work. These things don’t create happiness. Happiness is a choice.

There are many people who have wealth and a high status who are completely miserable. They may be lonely, divorced and more. Happiness comes from within. These people may be working jobs they absolutely hate but just have a knack for making money.

Happiness is Subjective

There are things in life that can make you happy that are subjective. They are subjective because happiness comes differently for everyone.

You might find joy and happiness seeking thrills through rides like roller coasters and bungee jumping. This thrill may be more than torture for someone with a fear of heights who would never step foot on a roller coaster or ever be brave enough to jump from a bridge suspended by a bungee cord.

Everyone seeks happiness in their own way. What makes you happy is a natural high that you deserve to seek. There is nothing wrong with the things that you find joy in. You may be told you are crazy but that is because of the subjectivity.

Naturally Happy

It is true some people are naturally happy. This is proven through a genetic disposition. This doesn’t mean that you were born to be miserable if you are not a naturally happy person. Your happiness is influenced by your genetics but it is not fixed as a determining factor.

If you are not a naturally happy person you can change the way you think and feel so you are. The key is to change the way your brain thinks and the things you do. You can learn to do things on a daily basis to bring up your happiness level which will help you learn to smile more and be a happier person.


Sleep is a big factor if you want to be a happy person. Sleep is needed for the body to be able to function properly. When you don’t get enough sleep you might be moody, have an inability to think clearly, and very unhappy.

You might get 8 hours of sleep but you think that you get enough hours of sleep. You may be oversleeping or even be sleeping the wrong way. Some people don’t get a good night’s rest with a pillow while others need a very fluffy pillow. Your mattress could play into a bad night of sleep also.

Sleep is a big factor and lack of sleep can cause problems with your health also. Ensuring total well being requires a good night sleep.

If you are not sleeping well and you have determined the lack of sleep plays into how miserable you are throughout the days you need to fix this. You might need to change your daily schedule so you can get to bed earlier. You also might need to encourage other people in your household to help you a little bit more if you are working too hard.

Sleep can be the entire reason you are miserable. If you have the inability to get to sleep and you toss around all night long staring at the alarm clock this could mean many different things. Some people are very depressed and it causes them not to be able to sleep well. To ensure happiness you need to get a good night of sleep.


Exercise is very good for the body and it helps the brain put out endorphins which are responsible for making you happy. Exercise is important for total health. This doesn’t mean that you have to be on a heavy exercise routine on a daily basis. However, you should try to sweat everyday. You can get an amazing exercise but just cleaning the house and doing normal household chores. This isn’t about losing weight. It is about creating happiness.


Practicing meditation doesn’t mean you belong to a cult or you are doing anything religiously wrong. Many people associate meditation with Buddhism and think it is wrong. They are missing out on something extremely important which could be exactly what they need to balance out their days.

Meditation is one of the most effective ways to change your subjective well being. Doctors have proven meditation to generate brain activity on the left side, which produces a positive emotion in the body.

About the Author

Cheryl Smith can help you become happier. Do you need to lose weight then visit http://www.mynewslimlife.com for a free report.Do you wish that you could stop worrying about what people think of you then visit http://www.myconfidentlife.com for a free online video.

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True Happiness Comes from Within, Don’t worry, be Happy!

Article by Don OConnell

Life can be so, unforgiving. There are times when life can be unfair, then I look around and discover people, who continued to live satisfying and exciting, lives. And then thoughts jump, into my mind, like bubbles from nowhere – “How did their life become so good? How come they still, can manage to have fun and be playful, despite a busy stressful, life?” Then I took a break and observed, them for awhile and I worked it out, that, they must, be happy, from within.

So, how does one become truly, happy?

Step 1 is to love yourself.

My theology professor once said, that “loving means acknowledgement.” To love yourself, means to acknowledge, that you are not a perfect being, but behind the imperfections, must be, a large amount of courage, to be capable, to find ways, on how to better your, ability, to recover, from our mistakes.

True happiness is also, connected to contentment. When you are contented with the work you do, the way you look, with your family, your friends, where you live, your car, and all the things you now have – honestly, you know the answer to the question “how to be truly, happy.”

When we discover a small start, somewhere from within, that small start will finally, lead to something else, and to something else. But if you keep questioning life, because, it has never been kind, to you, you will never be able, to find true happiness.

I believe that life is about learning, about right and wrong, trying and failing, wining and losing. These are things that happen constantly, like you inhaling and exhaling. Failure, in a person’s life, has become as common and necessary, as air. But this should not prevent us, from becoming happy.

How to be truly happy, despite, all these? Let me tell you, every time you make an effort, to better, the quality of life and your being, whether it is cleaning up your room, assisting a friend, looking after your sick dog, failing your board exams and trying again, life gives you corresponding points, for that.

Visualize life, as a huge score board, like those which are used in the NFL stadiums. Every time you take a step forward, you make scoring points. Wouldn’t it be great, to look at that score board, at the end of each game and think to yourself “Whew! I scored a point today. I’m happy, I gave it a Go.”, instead of looking at it all bewildered and say, “Geez, I didn’t even hit a score today. I wish I had the backbone, to try out. We could have won!” and then walk away.

True happiness, isn’t about driving the best Formula 1 car, nor receiving, the employee of the year award, earning the highest 13th month pay, or exceeding, the sales quota. Sometimes, the most desired after prizes, in life, doesn’t always go to the fastest, the strongest, the bravest or not even the best. So, how do you become truly happy? Everybody has their own explanation, of ‘happiness’. Happiness for a writer, may mean writing, as many, best selling books, as possible. Happiness for a basketball beginner, may mean winning, the novice of the year award. Happiness for a beggar, may mean, finding, a lot of money. Happiness for a business person, may mean success. So, really now, how do we become, honestly happy? Easy. You don’t have to possess, the best things in this world. It’s about doing and creating, the best out of every single thing. When you find yourself laughing, at your own mistake and saying to your self “Well, don’t worry, I’ll do better, the next time”, you take with you, a flame of healthy, will power, to maintain, that may glow, like a lighthouse. You possess an eagerness, to stand up again and try – that will make you a truly, happy person.

When you learn to accept yourself and your own defects. You passed, step 1 in the undertaking, “how to become truly happy”. For as long as you understand, how to accept others, you will also be accepted. For as long as you love and know how to love, you will receive, a lot of, love, back.

Again, fire me, that same question “how to become truly happy?”. I’ll refer you to a mate, of mine, who firmly quoted, “Many of us know, that laughter is the best cure for, life’s ups and downs. But many of us don’t know, that the best type of laughter, is laughter over self, because then you don’t just become happy, you become free.” So be as Free as a bird and fly High!

So, please, “Fill your heart, with Glee, let it Be and you will See!”.

Very NB: Smile a while, for an extra Mile!

Cheers to Fears 🙂

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I have been working online for about 16 years. Have useful skills in web development and at the moment, particularly interested in ebook membership website management. Please visit ebooks4mobile.com for more details, FREE signup available. Have a good Read and stay in the Lead, cheers Don DocRabbit(ARR) 🙂 Publishing of my articles allowed, but please include my website url, for a backlink.

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