Happy Guests for a Happy Hotelier: How Merchant Services can Help

Article by alvin jelks

You want all of the customers who stay at your hotel to be happy. Happy customers not only return to the establishment that pleased them so well, but they tell all their friends and family members about that business, too. If you consistently please the guests that stay at your hotel, your business should grow. There is a simple way to increase the happiness quotient of your guests and grow your business, and that’s by opening a merchant services account.So how can a merchant services account help you keep your guests happy? The main way is by providing them with an easy and uncomplicated method of paying for their stay at your hotel. While their bed may have been sublimely comfortable and the mini-bar reasonably priced and well stocked, the very last thing a guest usually does is check out and pay for their hotel stay. If that doesn’t go smoothly, it will certainly stick in their minds long after they’ve forgotten how comfortable the bed was.A merchant services account can provide you with the equipment and software to make the process of checking out simple, painless-perhaps even memorably pleasant for your guests. In some cases, that equipment will be provided free as part of your account. The equipment is used to scan customer credit cards, debit cards, checks or other payment types, and a merchant services account ensures that this equipment is modern and efficient.It works quickly, validating their payments and getting them on their way back to their homes or on to their next destinations. It accepts all major credit cards as well as debit and gift cards and personal or business checks. It can even book their next stay at the same time.When credits are required-for whatever reason-a merchant services account can handle it quickly and efficiently as well, giving customers immediate credit on their credit or debit cards. It can void transactions safely and completely too, keeping customer payment and personal information secure. And when payments are validated, the customers’ information is protected just as diligently. In these days of identity theft, this specific benefit will be particularly appreciated by your guests.Many customers want all of their in-hotel charges to appear on their bills at check-out time, and a merchant services account will allow you to provide this service. Room charges, restaurant bills, bar tabs, spa visits…whatever service or product you provide at your hotel can be combined with customer room charges and appear on your customers’ bills at the time they check out. Even tips can be added to the bill, providing the customer with one complete statement of the costs they incurred while staying at your hotel. This will make it easy for them to budget for their next trip to your locale too, perhaps inspiring them to make that reservation before their leave your premises.With a merchant services account, you will enjoy quick validation of customer payment information. Funding of those payments will be rapid and complete, improving your cash flow. Think of the new-and nicer-towels and toiletries you can purchase for future guests when you have more money coming in at a reasonable rate of speed. Think of the improvements you can make to your establishment when your cash flow improves. Think of the extra staff you might be able to hire when you don’t have to worry when-or if-you’ll receive funding from your customers’ credit cards. A complete and efficient staff will be more responsive to customer needs, thereby improving the comfort of those customers each time they return to your hotel.There are simply so many benefits that you can offer your guests-and enjoy yourself as the hotel owner-when you set up a merchant services account. Such an account can be set up to handle no-shows, one-key re-authorization of credit cards, and networking among various locations of your hotel business. It can be designed to generate customer loyalty benefits such as free night stays for those guests who most frequently visit your establishment. Or you can design a loyalty program that provides them with discount coupons for local attractions or businesses.A merchant services account can even design a gift card program, allowing your guests to immediately provide friends or family members with a free night’s stay at your hotel. Chances are good that those friends or family members will enjoy themselves so much at your establishment that they will also become happy customers who come back to you time and again. And happy guests equal a happy hotelier which, ultimately, equals even more happy guests. So look into a merchant services account for your hotel and see just how happy all of you can be.

About the Author

Alvin Jelks is a freelance writer who writes about a range of topics including merchant accounts.

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Health Diagnostic Patient Services Are Now Available Online

Article by Jeff Paul

Online health diagnostic patient services are now being offered by Web-based health sites, which are a great alternative to face-to-face doctor’s visits. Web-based health sites can be categorized under efforts to boost efficiency in health care through the adoption of health information technology tools. Through such services, patients can have their diagnostic testing and laboratory examinations conveniently done near their workplace or around their neighborhood. This means less legwork for the patients and less paperwork for doctors.

Similarly, online diagnostic services can effectively encourage patients to actively participate in their health care and improve clinical outcomes. As more patients take an active role in the management of their health using web-based applications and as more health care providers focus on disease prevention, patient diagnostic tests provide the most complete picture of a patient’s health status which can identify problems before chronic medical conditions develop. Health diagnostics are also crucial to help clinicians identify methods of treatment for their patients and to help these patients achieve optimal health.

Health diagnostic patient services may include various laboratory examinations such as basic metabolic, comprehensive metabolic, arterial blood gases, venous blood gases, lipid, thyroid, hematology, and leukocyte differential laboratory tests as well as other chemistry tests.

To better manage health, patients and loved ones should ask their health care provider about specific lab tests that the patients need to take, including x-rays, home test kits, reagents, or other diagnostic tests. They may also inquire about how the tests are conducted and what their results mean. This way, informed decisions can be made concerning health.

Resource Box:

Patient Traffic is an industry leader in providing such services as health diagnostic patient services for both patients as well as physician practice members. To find out more about Patient Traffic and its range of services, visit http://www.patienttraffic.com.

About the Author

Jeff Paul is a writer and copy editor who likes to share information on many different topics.

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Executive Coaching Services And Why You Need Them

Article by Johnny Smith

While it is true that each individual is equipped with specific talents and skills, there are those who do not realize this. As such, these people are not able to use the gifts that are inherent in them. This is one of the reasons why the services of experts in bringing out the best in each individual, and developing specific skills are employed. These types of services are called coaching.

Coaching is actually a method of instructing, directing, and training people in order to achieve develop specific skills and achieve goals. There are different types of coaching which are life coaching, business coaching, and career or executive coaching. Each of these types applies to various needs that are identified by the person himself, or by coaching experts.

Life coaching aims to assist a person in achieving his personal goals in life. Moreover, several methods are used in life coaching just to ensure that goals are achieved. There are no standards as to the specific method to use, as long as it works for a certain person.

On the other hand, business coaching is solicited by individuals or group of people in the business world. This type of coaching is considered as the method of providing support and feedback to people to help them recognize and realize the effectiveness of their business ventures. Most specifically, business coaching is proven to instill certain work behaviors and attitudes like teamwork, accountability, communication, goals setting, sales, and strategic planning among others.

Finally, the most demanded coaching which is the career or executive coaching deals with the practice of helping individuals draw out their career paths. Executive coaching is very important because a lot of people nowadays do not exactly know which career to pursue, and how to succeed in it. Moreover, there are even more people who already have careers, yet are not happy or contented in these. Furthermore, there are also other people who seem to have stagnated in their careers and remained in the first position that they were in many years ago. If anyone experiences any of these situations, then there is certainly a need for executive coaching.

In an executive coaching, you will be asked to assess yourself and find out what really want to do in life. These are indeed very critical because these determine your direction in the future. Consequently, you would not want to waste your time and your life in a career which might not be what you want after all. Choosing a career path and determining the steps that will help you succeed in this chosen career are dealt with in executive coaching. There is practically nothing to be ashamed of in soliciting for the services of executive coaching. Getting one is practically just the start of a good career ahead of you.

About the Author

If you want career advices, check out Executive Coaching London and Executive Coaching UK in the internet.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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Financial Services: Barvetii International Wealth Consultants

Article by Financial Services: Barvetii International Wealth Consultants

Raising Capital. At Barvetii International Wealth Consultants we understand the importance of raising capital for young entrepreneurial companies. Barvetii International Wealth Consultants provides young companies a great way to get off the ground by investing sufficient capital needed to get to the next stage of their development.Raising capital can be difficult for any new business, although they have the technical expertise they do lack any business investment experience. This is where Barvetii International Wealth Consultants, Madrid, Spain can help as we understand how vital it is to any entrepreneurial company to be able to have the sufficient funding.We have a huge network of global partners that we can fall back on to secure any financing for the right company.Securities Trading at Barvetii International Wealth ConsultantsStocks. If you own a share of a company’s stock then you own a portion of that company, there are two types of stocks available for an investors portfolio. Common stocks. This stock represents shares that are held by the public. Common stock has the right to vote on company issues, it can also pay out dividends at the end of each quarter. The general public mainly holds common stock. When you hear of investors speaking about stocks going up and down they are normally talking about common stockCommon stocks are easy to liquidate, this allows traders to buy and sell shares in small and big companies on a daily basis with profits being made due to their liquidity.Preferred stock. Although the name suggests it is preferred, it actually has fewer rights than common stock. The word preferred means that it has first call on dividends over common stock, this is one of the reasons why many investors prefer to buy preferred stock.Bonds. Bonds add an extra layer of security to a portfolio and it’s a good way to add a fixed income. It’s important to have bonds in any portfolio as it adds a balance to any wealth building objectives. By having bonds in a portfolio of various investments you reduce risk elements associated with investing, bonds add a stable foundation to your portfolio. Especially government bonds that can generate a steady income, that is higher than the interest rates of the high street banks.Bonds are basically debt investments, as a bondholder you’re lending money to corporate or government entities, these entities will give you a fixed rate of return on your investment for a given period. For this reason bonds are normally referred to as fixed income securities.Mutual funds. A mutual fund is made up of various investments collected together in one pool that the investor invests in the fund. These types of investments are very useful vehicles for small investors as you have access to a professionally managed investment. One of the benefits of having a mutual fund is that you spread the risk over several different companies within the fund framework, and that a fund manager will look after your investment for you.As fund managers operate mutual funds, it is a good choice for people that don’t understand about investing, yet they wanted to invest in shares. A fund can include stocks, bonds, or any other money market instruments that is normally out of the reach of the small investor. they wanted to invest in shares. A fund can include stocks, bonds, or any other money market instruments that is normally out of the reach of the small investor.

About the Author

Barvetii International Wealth Consultants Spain was formed when three investment brokers joined forces to create one of the world’s leading boutique brokerages. The company was born out of frustration since many of the larger brokerages were cumbersome and bureaucratic, the partners formed Barvetii International Wealth Consultants Spain with the idea that there could be a small, maneuverable dynamic company ready to take on the industry giants.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Event management services help you deliver your most successful event ever

Article by Neil Tufano

Do you have the time or skills needed for the event management of a major conference or one-off corporate entertainment? With so much at stake and growing demands on managers’ time, organisations increasingly outsource event management services. Here are some of the things to look for when choosing an event management partner.

Mix and match event management services to meet your exact needs

Leading event and conference specialists offer a full range of event services that clients can mix and match or combine as a complete package. The main disciplines on offer range from marketing and event management services through speaker management, delegate management and event finance management. Used singly or together they are the keys to successful events.

Marketing and event management services

Conference and event marketing, and event management covers the successful integration of an event with other ongoing marketing activities. Services provided by event management companies typically include event branding and literature, direct mailing, event advertising, venue selection and management, arranging conference facilities and event finances

A really good events manager will offer all the elements required to get your event from concept stage to successful delivery – and the essential post-event follow-up too. Done professionally, outsourcing to an experienced and suitably qualified event partner can save you time and money, deliver a memorable event and build your reputation.

Speaker management

Professional speaker management transforms a competent event into a stunning one. Arranging speakers may look easy but can often be very specialised and time-consuming. Professional event management companies have the selection and engagement skills needed to choose the right speaker, manage their attendance and handle their fees. While your event manager looks after the complicated administration you can focus on other aspects of your event – before taking credit for a great presentation.

Delegate management

Increasing event sophistication means that delegate websites and booking facilities are often required, as well as other delegate management activities. Your event management company can spare you from the hassle of delegate applications, enquiry handling, questionnaire design and analysis, and other aspects of delegate management.

Event finance management

It’s the same with event finances, another discipline where your event partner can save you from tedious administration while giving you the peace of mind of knowing your event budget is being used correctly.

Whether you use an individual event management service/conference organiser or combine them in a complete event management package, hired event managers take the stress out of event or conference organisation.

About the Author

Just imagine what you could do with the time and resources this frees up – and how it will feel to take the praise for another successful event.

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Luxury Travel Vietnam Receives Best Services Awards for Three Consecutive Years

Article by Luxury Travel Co., Ltd

Hanoi 25 Jan 2010 The Luxury Travel Company (www.luxurytravelvietnam.com) has been voted for the prestigious Vietnam Top Trade Services Awards 2009 for best service in 2009. The 3rd annual awards ceremony has been held on Saturday 24 Jan 2010 in the International Conference Center in Hanoi with the presence of deputy prime minister Truong Vinh Trong, vice minister of the Ministry of Trade and Industry of Vietnam, Le Danh Vinh,… among others. The award ceremony has been broadcast live on the national television VTV1.

This is the third consecutive year Luxury Travel has received The Top Trade Services Awards of Ministry of Trade and Industry of Vietnam with remark Best Service Award 2009 that confirms Luxury Travel has an excellent performance in tough times of the world financial crisis. The company provides the best services for luxury travelers traveling to Vietnam.

Tony Pham Ha, CEO of Luxury Travel Company (www.luxurytravelvietnam.com) who counts ambassadors, senators and billionaires amongst his clientele, cites new roads and better flight services as evolutionary elements. “Also, while there have been some fantastic new properties which have opened, the existing ones don’t get complacent either,” he says. “In Vietnam they offer unique experiences, personalized service, privacy and tranquility,”

Vietnam has ever topped the Asia Pacific region in attracting international visitors. However, the country saw an on-year fall of 11 % in foreign arrivals in 2009, much more than the region’s average drop of 5 %. Vietnam welcomed nearly 3.8 million international travelers in 2009 and VNAT is upbeat and targets 4.5 millions international arrivals in 2010. Vietnam tourism sector aims professionalism and luxury. There are many luxury hotels to open in Hanoi this year and this capital city turns to 1000 year olds.

“The accolade is very encouraging for our company. We are committed to provide the international luxury standards of product and service” said Mr. Pham Ha, Founder/CEO of Luxury Travel Vietnam. As a leader in the luxury tourism in Vietnam, our goal is to continue to raise the bar in service excellence and further develop Vietnam as a luxury travel destination catering to the discerning traveler around the world”.

Luxury Travel Co., Ltd. (Vietnam) at http://www.luxurytravelvietnam.com is a 100% fully registered and privately-owned Vietnamese company. Luxury Travel is headquartered in Hanoi and has offices around Vietnam and management offices in Laos, Cambodia, Spain, USA and Australia.

About the Author

Luxury Travel is now a leading luxury tour operator in Southeast Asia, whose primary concern is the satisfaction and comfort of its customers.

Luxury Travel is a trusted partner for exploring Vietnam but also Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Burma.

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